Beautiful Still Life Oil Painting
In fine art, people use the term “Still-life” to refer to a type of painting, usually painted with fruits, objects arranged in appropriate layout, lighting, and reproduced by the artist’s hands with emotion. myselft. Still life paintings, whether painted in color or in pencil, give viewers different emotions and thoughts. Color still life has a vivid, realistic beauty depending on the type of color used by the artist. Meanwhile, still life drawn with pencil has its own rustic and simple strokes of pencil.
Compared to historical paintings, landscape paintings or portrait paintings, still life paintings for a beginner can seem quite boring. But great still life paintings containing profound messages are encapsulated in a certain type of object by the very way they are arranged. Therefore, when we want to understand a still life work, we only need to understand the symbolic objects that convey into the picture symbolic meanings.
Still life paintings can be divided into four groups: the first group of floral works, the second group of works about breakfast or parties, the third group of animal paintings, and the last group of paintings is symbolic still life painting.
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Still life
Ma Ngoc Cuong
Hoang Anh
Still life
Oil Paintings
Still life
Oil Paintings
Nguyen Quang Tuan
Hoang Anh
Art painting
Ly Duoc
Hoang Anh
Duong Phuc
Nguyen Quang Tuan
Nguyen Quang Tuan
Tranh Duc Thuc
Nguyen Duy Quang
Nguyen Quang Hoan