The Most Beautiful and Outstanding Oil Painting Art
Oil Paintings Art has a large selection of beautiful wall art for you to explore, organized by different themes or sorted by artist. Art painting is a medium of beauty expression from ancient times to modern times, making it a true ambassador for fine art. Even today, it embodies visual excellence.
A painting is above all the concepts and ideas behind the brushstrokes and the artistic process. With this in mind, two main trends contrast with each other: figurative art and abstract art. However, they are merely two guiding principles among the pictorial movements that have developed throughout the years and have come to establish art history. Each of these artistic movements played their part, often drawing on achievements from the past or by doing the exact opposite of previous techniques. As with minimalism and popular art, norms have evolved and they are no longer the same, creating new aesthetics and changing the way we see art.
If contemporary art is often associated with abstract painting, then by all means it is impossible not to exist without this genre. Figurative art is making a comeback on the current art scene and artists are using this style around the world. Contemporary painting is never static and the artworks shown in this field are proof.
At Oil Paintings Art, we offer a wide range of beautiful art and a wide variety of genres, both modern and contemporary, from the most talented painters. From paintings you’ll discover themes that have fascinated established contemporary artists to new artists through arts, landscape paintings, portraits, still lifes, nudes and more.
Oil Paintings
Art painting
Art painting
Art painting
Art painting
Art painting
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Art painting
Art painting
Oil Paintings
Art painting
Hieu Nguyen
Dat Nguyen
Art painting
Art painting
Art painting
Art painting
Art painting
Art painting
Art painting
Art painting
Art painting
Art painting
Art painting
Art painting
Art painting
Hong Quang
Art painting
Vu Tuyen
Art painting
Art painting
Thu Thuy
Art painting
Art painting
Art painting