8 favorite beautiful oil paintings

Oil painting has long been appreciated by the art world and loved by painting lovers because of its very high aesthetic. This is a type of painting with gouache, oil paint, and binders that combine to create the right pigments and colors, combined with the skillful and ingenious hands of the artist, the colors and lines. appear in the picture very unique, vivid and inspirational. Oil painting although it is an expensive painting, its value is extremely worth it, it will be very suitable for you to embellish your living and working space with beautiful, durable oil paintings with time. Time and value never change. Here are some beautiful oil paintings that oilpaintings.art suggests for you:

Morning rose
The painting depicts a rose in its most beautiful, brightest, most graceful moment – the moment it blooms. But not an ordinary rose, this is a morning rose, a flower that is catching the glittering morning dew, making it more beautiful and beautiful than ever.

Landscape picture
When talking about landscape paintings, we often think of paintings of beautiful natural scenes. But in this painting, the artist seems to be painting the landscape with a deep and light paint color. The blue sky and quiet space as if covering the picture add to the artistry and expressiveness of the painting. But the beauty of the picture lies in the red color, representing the fire of happiness and love. The painting’s color scheme is really very delicate.

Ocean CornerThis picture shows a corner of the sea, but it is the most beautiful, charming, and poetic corner. The sky is clear blue with white clouds floating, cool winds are bringing waves drifting back to the beloved golden sand, blowing white foam. The mountains and green trees make the scene more majestic and harmonious.

Breeze day
A peaceful afternoon scene, sitting in front of the window with the gentle breeze of flowers. A flowerpot has been arranged by a delicate and gentle hand, its colors intertwine and combine beautifully, strangely. Yellow and red roses and tiny white baby flower clusters… all have become the most beautiful and haughty highlight of a light breeze.

Under the moonlightA bunch of topics about the beauty of a girl who is in her springtime, beautiful and fresh… is always the pride of the artist world. Under the bright moonlight, the girl with beautiful curves gracefully displayed her mysterious beauty.

Yen Stream in early spring As a child of Vietnam, perhaps no one is unaware of the Huong Pagoda and the extremely famous festival, once a year here. A festival to make people release their souls pure and peaceful towards the origin and origin of the nation. And to travel in the spring where the festival takes place rhythmically and bustlingly, one cannot help but go through Yen stream. The painting depicts the poetic beauty of the scenery on both sides of the stream while traveling in spring.

Warm sunshine on a spring dayThe painting depicts the rustic, simple and sincere beauty of ancient Hanoi many years ago, when Hanoi had no footprints of pollution, traffic jams, or so-called “urban”. When one can see a very moving beauty just through a bicycle of a certain florist girl randomly placed on a sunny street corner.

Winter is coming
The lotus is considered a symbol of the beauty of the Vietnamese people: beautiful, graceful outside; elegant, gentle inside. In this painting, the artist is painting a lotus pond at the beginning of winter. Everything seemed to be sullen, even the surface of the water wanted to freeze. But the fresh lotus flowers are still blooming, still showing off their fragrance. Lotus is the most magical highlight for a frozen picture.

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