Road Map to the Shop Frame & Moc Sinh Painting

Moc Sinh Frame & Painting Shop
Frame Shop & Moc Sinh Painting – 385 Ngoc Hoi Street, Thanh Tri, Hanoi

Store address: 385 Ngoc Hoi Street, Thanh Tri, Hanoi
Phone: 0961136825 – Mr Sinh
Email: [email protected]

To find your way to the Frame shop & Moc Sinh painting at 385 Ngoc Hoi street is very simple and easy. The store is located on 1A street near the commercial center of Thanh Tri district, next to the gate of Thanh Tri district. To get to our store, you can go up from Ngoc Hoi (south), or from Ha Dong (west) go to or from Giai Phong street (north) go down or from Yen So (east) go to. All roads are convenient, clear and fast.

The store is open from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. every day, including Saturday and Sunday. All the frames available on the website are available at the shop. Samples of paintings are drawn by our artists, please visit our store or contact us in advance. It is our pleasure to serve you.

Detailed Instructions: From Giai Phong Street (Giap Bat Hanoi) go straight down through Nuoc Ngam bus station for more than 1km, through the commercial center of Thanh Tri district about 150 meters, the store is located next Across the street, next to The Gioi Di Dong store, you can see our store like the picture.

Or you can easily find it on the map below.